National lipstick day!

National lipstick day!

PUR lipstick

Tom Ford lipstick
$63 –

Nars cosmetic

MAC Cosmetics lipstick

Lips makeup

Urban Decay launches Pulp Fiction-inspired collection

Urban Decay has created a limited edition Pulp Fiction collection in honor of the film’s 20th anniversary.

This five-piece set was inspired by the unforgettable Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman).
Now you can recreate the character’s look with the amazing red lipstick, liner and polish included in this collection.
Also included is a mirrored compact inscribed with an iconic quote filled with neutral matte eyeshadows with names such as “Righteous”, “Tyrany”, “Furious” and “Anger”.
Oh, yes and a metal glitter eyeliner!

Find Urban Decay’s Pulp Fiction collection at Sephora and Ulta stores or online at Urban Decay starting July 16!


Makeup mistakes we should avoid

Women apply makeup to better enhance their beauty, not detract from it.
However, depending on how we apply it, it can either give us a youthful look or make us appear older!
Have you ever looked at your pictures and asked yourself : What was I thinking?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone; Beauty blunders happen to many of us, including celebrities!

Here are the most common mistakes:

1. Applying concealer that is too light
I have to say that I often made this mistake; In desperation of wanting to camouflage under eye circles, I ended up with raccoon-eyes!
Applying a concealer that is either too light, thick, or simply applying it wrong will only draw more attention!
Instead, opt for a concealer that is sheer and a shade lighter than your skin tone, also make sure it doesn’t contain zinc, which can create a white residue that is visible with flash photography.


2. Too much blush
Remember: less is more.
Simply apply on the apples of your cheeks and blend towards your temples. Remember to select the right shade for your skin tone: olive skin looks best in warm tones, pinks for fair skin and berries for darker skin.


3. Eyeshadow that is too dark and extending too far
If you decide to wear only one color on your lids, try not to extend all the way to your temples. If what you’re trying to achieve is a smokey eye, there are many ways to achieve this look. The easiest way is to start with a dark color on lids, a warm color on crease, light color on brow bone and inner corners of eyes and finish off by lining the inner rim of your eyes with a black liner (And if you want a more dramatic look, add false eyelashes!) Don’t forget, the most important part: blend until you see no sharp lines!


4. Skipping primer or using wrong type of foundation
Remember that not all skin types are the same; for instance, if you have oily skin you should avoid oil based foundations. Remember it all starts with the perfect canvas; opt for skincare that is right for you (whether it’s dry, oily or normal.) Follow with a primer, then the right foundation and please don’t forget to carry beauty blotters!


5. Lining your lips darker than your lipstick
This look is outdated and a definite no-no especially if you outline the outer part to make your lips appear fuller. It will only make your lipstick bleed and worse: emphasize the feathery lines!


6. Clumpy mascara
If you are going to curl your lashes it’s best that you start by using the lash curler before you apply mascara . Then follow by gently cleaning the the tip of the mascara wand on the opening of the tube, then apply from the roots to the ends wiggling from side to side. If you want another coat, please wait until the first one dries completelty!


7. Eyebrows that are to harsh or thick
Avoid using a pencil that is too dark to fill in your brows. Remember, if you are a brunette you should consider using a pencil that is one shade lighter than your hair, and if your blonde choose one shade darker. I would also recommend that instead of using a pencil brow, try brow powder or gel.


8. Using the wrong shade of foundation
To avoid this, test a swatch of two or three shades of foundation you believe that is closest to your skin tone. Make sure you do this by applying on either your cheek or jawline and NOT your hand since color here tends to be darker. Make sure you step out of the store and see how it looks in natural light.
Don’t forget to blend your foundation all the way to your neck to avoid the mask look.


9. Fake tan/ too much bronzer
Excessive use of tanning beds are not only harmful for your body, they make your skin age faster!
Using bronzer all over your face will give you a “muddy” look; instead, lightly sweep across forehead, temples, on the bridge of your nose, hollows of cheeks, jawline and neck. This will give you a sun-kissed look.


10. Wearing too much makeup
Determine whether you want the focus to be on your lips or eyes.
For instance, If you want to wear a bold color on your lips, try selecting a neutral color eyeshadow. And if you want a smokey eye, pick either a soft pink or nude color lipstick.


11. Matte lipstick on dry lips
If you have dry chapped lips you should avoid matte lipstick, since they contain alcohol, which tends to strip natural moisture away from your lips, thus enhancing the appearance of fine lines, dryness and flakiness.
I recommend exfoliating to remove dead skin, applying a lip balm to help moisturize, then follow up with a moisturizing lipstick or gloss.


Have you ever experienced any makeup mishaps?
